Saturday, March 5, 2011


Hello, I am Kurorahk. The first few who see this will be friends and family. Those who do not know me, I am a fan of real time strategy games as well as role playing games and first person shooters. I have tried other genres of games and have a few favorites. Though my true home in gaming is with the strategy games.

My first RTS game was Command and Conquer on the Playstation One, I enjoyed it and beat it, then got Red Alert and did the same. A few years later I picked up Command and Conquer Tiberian Sun and fell in love with it. I spent more hours in C&C TS than almost any other game, I started modding and making custom units within it along with custom maps. Early on it was all over powered stuff that was unoriginal but eventually I graduated into making more unique and balanced units. Then there was a low point in my life and I was mostly on consoles playing Phantasy Star Online Episodes 1 and 2 on the Gamecube.

After high school I started getting back into gaming and was introduced to That Guy With The Glasses by my brother, I enjoyed it, and when Blistered Thumbs came out I was happy to see a gaming site from TGWTG. I was inspired by people like Linkara, Lord Kat, Spoony, Doug, and Angry Joe to start reviewing on my own. And so Back Talk With Kurorahk was born.

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